Health Services
Moora boasts a comprehensive Health Service that forms part of the Wheatbelt Region of the WA Country Health Service.
- The Moora District Health Service is comprised of a Hospital, Frail Aged Lodge, Home Support Services, Meals on Wheels and Community Health Services.
- A 20-bed hospital comprising 12 acute and 8 High Care Residential beds.
- The hospital is supported by doctors who operate from a modern privately owned medical centre.
- Allied Health Services available include Physiotherapy, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy and Podiatry.
- Community Health Services include Aboriginal Health, Child Health, School Health and Health Promotion.
- 15 Low Care Residential beds are available at the Moora Frail Aged Lodge.
- Meals on Wheels is provided from the hospital five days per week.
- A home visiting nurse services Moora and the surrounding area 3 days per week and a wide variety of home support services are offered to maintain aged residents in their own home.
- Adjacent to the lodge are 18 independent living units (a mix of single and double) run by the Homes for the Aged committee.
- The Department of Health's dental van visits schools on a regular basis.
- A pharmaceutical service is provided by a well-stocked, privately owned local pharmacy.
Health Service Organisations
Moora Health, Wellness and Community Services Directory