Moora Wildflower Drive Information


Moora Wildflower Drive Map

Dandaragan Road - 9km

This road crosses the Moore River, which here trends southward following the trough formed by the Darling Fault. A few York Gums and, to the west, some remnant Banksias woodland can be seen.

Prices Road - 31km

This road travels north along the eastern edge of the Dandaragan Plateau, with some good views east across the trough line of the Darling Fault.

Originally this sandy soil would have supported a dense prickly heath the Aboriginals called 'Kwongan'. This can be seen in places where the wider road reserve has preserved it from clearing.

In winter and early spring look for masses of Wattle and blue Dampiera, but as summer approaches, the colours change to orange Eremaeas, yellow Kangaroo Paws and pink and white Feather Flowers, all backed by the gentle waving gray of Smokebush.

The occasional WA Christmas Tree makes a brilliant show in December. Try photographing them with a Polaroid filter against a clear blue sky - brilliant.

Namban West Road - 10km

Soon after crossing a salt area note the magnificent stand of Saltmarsh Honey Myrtle which can grow in salty soils. It is an excellent windbreak and wildlife refuge and in early summer is smothered with small cream bottlebrush flowers.

Agaton Road - 6km

Watheroo National Park, which lies on either side of the road, contains superb examples of Kwongan, one of the most diverse plant communities in the world. Feather Flowers, including Scarlet Feather Flower and the extraordinary Bush Cauliflower - at its best in December - are a feature, and there are many Myrtles, Dryandras and six different Banksias. In late summer look out for the spectacular white sprays on the Woody Pear Trees. Their huge pear shaped fruits open after fire to release two papery winged seeds.

Watheroo West Road - 28km

The road continues through the Watheroo National Park, which here is low woodland dominated by plants of the Banksia and Myrtle families, among which the fluffy white balls of Lambswool can be seen in spring. In some areas dense thickets of Wattles form a glorious yellow hedge in spring.

The salt lake system more or less overlies the Darling Fault. Samphires are especially adapted to grow in very saline soil. Their fleshy, jointed stems store fresh water collected during the rainy season.

The road now climbs up the Darling Escarpment, where the ancient rock outcrops and the vegetation changes abruptly from Kwongan to woodland of York Gum and Mallee.

Eagle Hill Road To Jingemia Cave - 5km

An attractive winding road leads to a pleasant shady picnic site on Jingemia Hill (still Watheroo National Park). A short walking trail leads to Jingemia Cave. It is formed in chert, an unusual rock which leads to a vegetation community in the hill that is very different from surrounding areas.

In winter and spring you will find numerous orchids under the Mallees, while later on in the year Everlastings appear. Among the tumbled boulders around and above the cave are a number of attractive and unusual plants including the felty gray leaves and glorious scarlet flowers of Compact Poverty Bush.

Midlands Road

For much of the way the road follows the Midlands Railway, which was an important influence in opening the land for settlement.

You will see several magnificent mature trees of Salmon and York Gums and Wandoo.

Look out for the glorious Lilac Hibiscus, (especially just north of Coomberdale) from whose spindly stems enormous pale flowers appear in late spring.

Cairn Hill is a chert outcrop south of Coomberdale which is covered with dense scrub dominated by Wattles, Sheoak and Dryandras, with many interesting understorey plants. A small track crosses the railway and you will find many unusual plants on the edges of regenerating quarry areas.

Approaching Moora the road passes between a superb avenue of native trees, one of the most magnificent natural roadside avenues to be found anywhere in the world. Best times for travel - most wildflowers are at their best from August to January, although there is something in flower all the year round.