Harvest Ban SMS Sign Up

If you wish to register your mobile number with the Shire of Moora for the Harvest Ban notification service, please complete the online form below. By submitting your details, you are agreeing to participate in the service.

All bans will be broadcast on ABC Local radio at 10am, 12.30pm & 2pm.

Please note: Radio is the primary means of notification. SMS notifications should not be fully relied on as they may not be received in a timely manner.

I agree to the Terms & Conditions*

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Terms & Conditions

  1. By subscribing to this service you agree to receive SMS notifications from the Shire of Moora regarding the implementation of Harvest & Vehicle Movement bans.
  2. You accept that by subscribing to this service you will receive messages for the current and future fire seasons.
  3. Shire of Moora reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time. Any decision to discontinue this service will be advised by SMS notification.
  4. You accept that radio announcements are the primary means of notification of bans. In the event of a discrepancy between the SMS notification and an announcement on the radio, the latter shall prevail.
  5. You have the right to unsubscribe from this service at any time. To unsubscribe, please notify the Shire of Moora in writing via email at shire@moora.wa.gov.au, fax on (08) 9651 1722, or mail to PO Box 211 Moora WA 6510. Please do not attempt to unsubscribe via replying to an SMS notification.