History of the Shire Council

The township of Moora was gazetted on 12 April 1895. Moora became a separate Road Board on 11 December 1908 and later became the Shire of Moora on 1 July 1961. The floral emblem of the Shire of Moora is the wildflower 'Verticordia Grandis' commonly known as the Scarlet Feather Flower and grows mainly in the western most area of the shire.

Early History

An election was held in January 1909 and the following gentlemen constituted the first Moora Road Board under the Chairmanship of the Hon HB Lefroy, KCMG, Messrs MT Padbury, P Dix, JR Hooper, JS Huggin, S Sheridan and PD Ferguson who was also Hon Secretary. At the time the Road Board Office was in a shop adjoining the Moora Hotel. Total revenue in 1909 was £730, made up of rates £506 and wheel tax £224.

In 1911 the number of members was increased to 9 and during 1912 a Road Board Hall with offices and library was built. The membership was further increased in 1930 to 11 members. When the Wongan - Mullewa Railway line was built in 1916, a portion of the board was transferred to the Dalwallinu Road Board, but was later returned to the Moora Road Board when the railway line to Miling was completed in 1925.

The years 1930 to 1936 saw considerable progress in the district in the bitumenisation of some streets in Moora, installation of a water supply and endeavours to control flood waters generally. From 1936 to 1939 efforts were directed to the remaking of roads to carry heavy traffic.

World War II naturally caused curtailment of works through lack of manpower and plant. Numerous army units were stationed in and around Moora and with material provided by the Talkie Trust and Moora Camp Comforts Fund, army units built the Amenities Hall in 1943 (this is now demolished).

During the same year, the Moora Road Board saw fit to link with the Country Free Lending Library Authority and thus a free library was inaugurated in this district.

The last 5 years of the Road Board (up to 1961) saw many improvements in the district's facilities including - erection of the Administration Office, Council Chambers and Library, erection of the Miling Hall and Watheroo Hall, erection of the Moora Kindergarten. Bitumenisation of many rural roads and town streets continued.

The Shire of Moora was constituted in July 1961. The period since 1961 has seen many improvements of the Shire's facilities including the construction of a 50 metre swimming pool, Caravan Park, and pavilion at the Moora Oval and also at Watheroo and Miling.