Council Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month in the Council Chamber at the rear of the Administration building, corner Padbury & Clinch Streets commencing at 5.30pm unless stated otherwise.
Meetings are open to the public and all members of the public are welcome to attend.
Agendas will be available for inspection, 48 hours prior to the meeting, at the Shire Administration Centre, 34 Padbury Street, Moora or by clicking on the link below:
Current Council Meeting Agendas
Current Council Meeting Minutes
Please note: Council hold Committee Meetings on the first Wednesday of the month; and Briefing Sessions on the third Wednesday of the month prior to the Council meeting. These sessions are closed to the public however presentations may be arranged for individuals, groups or organisations if the Council meeting dates are not convenient.
- There are no Meetings of Council held in January.
** Please note, in addition to the Ordinary Council Meeting Dates for 2024, a Special Meeting of Council will be held on Wednesday 30 October 2024, at 5.30pm. For more information, please click here.