Early Childhood Learning Centre Update

Published on Tuesday, 1 October 2024 at 7:00:00 AM

The Shire is pleased to provide an update regarding the construction of the Early Childhood Learning Centre.

The broader project has two stages, the first being the construction of the early childhood health facility and the Early Childhood Learning Centre being the second. The project was structured in this order to reflect Commonwealth funding allocation and the time limits within which the funding was to be acquitted.

The early childhood health facility is virtually complete; we are awaiting final inspection and certification by the architect prior to issue of the certificate of occupancy.

The construction of the Early Childhood Learning Centre is now well-advanced. The project has been accompanied by many frustrations, including supply chain issues, a ten-month lead time for the connection of electricity, regulatory approvals to change the status of King Street, disable car parking approvals and water connections.

These issues have been progressively resolved and the project has been quietly and steadily moving forward. The photographs below highlight the advanced state of construction.

Site works will commence at the beginning of October and will include sand fill and compaction, and the installation of plumbing and sub-floor services. This work will continue through to approximately the first week of November when the modules are scheduled to arrive on site.

The installation of the modules and related services will continue into December and will be accompanied by the installation of the verandas and concrete paving. Landscaping will commence in November / December and will be completed in early 2025.

The Christmas / New Year break will create a hiatus in work before the expected project completion in mid-February / early March 2025.

Prior to Christmas, we will share with you the detail of the early childhood health facility and childcare centre to ensure the functions and purposes of the two distinct facilities are understood by the community. 

While this project has not been without its challenges and difficulties, its completion is now in sight and is cause for increasing excitement. The Shire is deeply aware of the patience of families and difficulties they have experienced throughout the project. We recognise your support and sincerely thank you for being part of the journey. 

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