Streets Alive

Published on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 9:07:00 AM

Town Team Movement, in partnership with the State Government and the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA), announced the Streets Alive program earlier this year. The program funded from the State Funds for Local Government Roads consist of $5 million over 5 years for capacity building and support for eligible community organisations and local governments for projects designed to calm traffic on local roads in urban areas across WA.

Stream 1 offered ‘seed’ grants of $5,000 for eligible community groups and local governments in all towns and neighbourhoods across WA. The Shire of Moora was successful in our application for Stream 1. This was announced by the Hon. David Michael, Minister for Road Safety, on 8th July.

Our initial project will be artwork on the corners/pavement at the intersection of Dandaragan Street and Roberts Street by local artist Jessica Begg.

More information can be found at: or

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